
Case Study – Bullying

  Case Study – Bullying Q1.  People are often hesitant to file a complaint when they are bullied because it is sometimes difficult for them to explain the scenario due to the trauma from the terrible experience, hence bullying victims often suffer in silent. Additionally, some people may not speak up because they are worried about the retaliation such as losing their job, no one believing their story, or no actions is made to resolve the problem. Q2.   It is possible for people who file complaints to be victimised beyond the original incident because of working under a bad and unsupportive management. As a result, the employer may target the person who filed the complaint with allegations of misconduct or poor performance rather than solving the complaint. Organisations and individual managers can help people feel more comfortable in making a claim by emphasising to all employees that workplace bullying will not be tolerated, and early reporting of these behaviours is encouraged.

How to Manage Conflict in the Workplace

  How to Manage Conflict in the Workplace In the workplace, there will be times when there may be workplace conflict. So, what is the ideal way of resolving workplace conflict, addressing difficult conversations and achieve a positive outcome for all parties that are involved 1. Arrange a time to communicate with the other person Most of the times workplace conflict may arise due to miscommunication between parties. Hence, to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, it is best to arrange a time to talk with the parties involved so that each of your stories are told and miscommunication is resolved. 2. Be proactive rather than reactive It is important that one becomes proactive in attempting to understand where the other person is coming from. Listen to the other person speak, refrain from interrupting, and ask questions so that any misunderstanding is clarified. Workplace conflict can be avoided simply by first taking the initiative to listen to the person instead of reacting emotional

Workplace Diversity

What is workplace diversity and why is it important? Workplace diversity is the recruitment of employees from diverse backgrounds. Employers who foster workplace diversity will enhance their business as the are bringing people with different experiences, perspectives, and knowledge. Recruiting people from diverse backgrounds will enable new and unique ideas to be formed. Current State of Diversity in Australian Workplace Currently, Australian recruiters are heavily focused in recruiting people from diverse backgrounds – it has become the norm. Many Australian companies are embracing cultural diversity and inclusiveness as their main core values as they believe that innovation comes from a diversity of thought. Advantages of embracing diversity in the workplace There are significant advantages of fostering a culture of inclusion in the workplace, these includes: Increased productivity Having a diverse workforce will increase productivity by recruiting people from diverse skill

Internet of Things (IoT)

  Internet of Things (IoT) The Internet of things refers to a whole network of devices that are well connected. IoT technologies can connect anything to the internet that is able to interact with each other, communicate, and exchange data among themselves without any interfering human interventions. They include everything, including wearables, basics of smartphones, home security, and automation. Applications of IOT IOT Based Home Security System  IOT Based Smart Gardening IOT Based Heating and Cooling IOT Personal Assistants IOT Video Doorbells Related Technologies An IoT based home security system is a part of a massive equipment network of artificial intelligence with IoT. Each component in the interface is interconnected while being connected with the internet as well. Thus, it is a basic wireless home security automated system that uses IoT devices, including mobiles and desktops, to control their systems perform automated tasks using the internet. This simply means those systems

How to speak so that people want to listen

In his TED talk, Julian Treasure outlines fundamental pointers on how to speak so that people want to listen. Julian mentioned that there are seven deadly sins of speaking that results in people not listening to your speeches, these are: Gossiping – Speaking ill of people who are not present. Judging – Hard to listen if you know you that you are being judged. Negativity – When people are pessimistic in every conversation. Complaining – Complaining causes a viral misery instead of spreading sunshine to the world. Excuses – Someone who tends to blame other people and not take responsibility of their actions. Lying – Overly exaggeration demeans the language and can lead to lying. Dogmatism – confusion of facts with opinions. Julian then followed up in outlining key powerful cornerstones that results in impactful speeches that change world, he abbreviated these cornerstones to HAIL: H – Be honest, clear, and straight. A – Be yourself, stand in your own truth. I – Integrity, be you