How to Manage Conflict in the Workplace

 How to Manage Conflict in the Workplace

In the workplace, there will be times when there may be workplace conflict. So, what is the ideal way of resolving workplace conflict, addressing difficult conversations and achieve a positive outcome for all parties that are involved

1. Arrange a time to communicate with the other person

Most of the times workplace conflict may arise due to miscommunication between parties. Hence, to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, it is best to arrange a time to talk with the parties involved so that each of your stories are told and miscommunication is resolved.

2. Be proactive rather than reactive

It is important that one becomes proactive in attempting to understand where the other person is coming from. Listen to the other person speak, refrain from interrupting, and ask questions so that any misunderstanding is clarified. Workplace conflict can be avoided simply by first taking the initiative to listen to the person instead of reacting emotionally.

3. Identify areas of conflict

In resolving workplace conflict, the first step would be to firstly identify how the conflict arise. If talking to the other person does not work, then the problem will have to be escalated to the executive management level. The executive management level will have to select an impartial individual to investigate the situation by discussing with all parties involved in the conflict and evaluate the areas of agreement and disagreement. From this discussion, the root cause of the conflict can be determined.

4. Cooperate for the greater good

After executive management level has identified the root cause of the problem, the independent person must have the parties sit down and understand that they have one goal, that is to meet the company’s objectives. As a result, they must be able to understand and compromise to resolve the conflict and work together to determine the best solution for both parties. Additionally, each party must take ownership and responsibility by living up to the agreed solution and ensure the conflict does not rise again in the future.

In conclusion, conflict will arise in all parts of our lives, from our personal to our professional life. However, this does not mean that the conflict is not solvable. There are strategies in place that can be incorporated in the workplace to ensure conflict is resolved diplomatically as shown from the 4 key points above. Sometimes, the simplest way to resolve a workplace conflict is to sit down, listen and have everyone’s viewpoint be heard to avoid any miscommunication and misunderstanding.


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