How to speak so that people want to listen

In his TED talk, Julian Treasure outlines fundamental pointers on how to speak so that people want to listen. Julian mentioned that there are seven deadly sins of speaking that results in people not listening to your speeches, these are:

  • Gossiping – Speaking ill of people who are not present.
  • Judging – Hard to listen if you know you that you are being judged.
  • Negativity – When people are pessimistic in every conversation.
  • Complaining – Complaining causes a viral misery instead of spreading sunshine to the world.
  • Excuses – Someone who tends to blame other people and not take responsibility of their actions.
  • Lying – Overly exaggeration demeans the language and can lead to lying.
  • Dogmatism – confusion of facts with opinions.

Julian then followed up in outlining key powerful cornerstones that results in impactful speeches that change world, he abbreviated these cornerstones to HAIL:

  • H – Be honest, clear, and straight.
  • A – Be yourself, stand in your own truth.
  • I – Integrity, be your word.
  • L – Love, be sincere.

When speaking with HAIL, your conversations are more likely to be heard and understood, as people will feel the sincerity. Additionally, altering your voice, depth, volume, and pace will also impact the way you emphasize your speeches.

In conclusion, a key takeaway that I learnt from Julian’s TED talk is that people will listen consciously if we are exuding integrity, honesty, sincerity, and love in our speeches.  


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