
Showing posts from May, 2022

How to Manage Conflict in the Workplace

  How to Manage Conflict in the Workplace In the workplace, there will be times when there may be workplace conflict. So, what is the ideal way of resolving workplace conflict, addressing difficult conversations and achieve a positive outcome for all parties that are involved 1. Arrange a time to communicate with the other person Most of the times workplace conflict may arise due to miscommunication between parties. Hence, to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, it is best to arrange a time to talk with the parties involved so that each of your stories are told and miscommunication is resolved. 2. Be proactive rather than reactive It is important that one becomes proactive in attempting to understand where the other person is coming from. Listen to the other person speak, refrain from interrupting, and ask questions so that any misunderstanding is clarified. Workplace conflict can be avoided simply by first taking the initiative to listen to the person instead of reacting emotional

Workplace Diversity

What is workplace diversity and why is it important? Workplace diversity is the recruitment of employees from diverse backgrounds. Employers who foster workplace diversity will enhance their business as the are bringing people with different experiences, perspectives, and knowledge. Recruiting people from diverse backgrounds will enable new and unique ideas to be formed. Current State of Diversity in Australian Workplace Currently, Australian recruiters are heavily focused in recruiting people from diverse backgrounds – it has become the norm. Many Australian companies are embracing cultural diversity and inclusiveness as their main core values as they believe that innovation comes from a diversity of thought. Advantages of embracing diversity in the workplace There are significant advantages of fostering a culture of inclusion in the workplace, these includes: Increased productivity Having a diverse workforce will increase productivity by recruiting people from diverse skill