
Showing posts from June, 2022

Case Study – Bullying

  Case Study – Bullying Q1.  People are often hesitant to file a complaint when they are bullied because it is sometimes difficult for them to explain the scenario due to the trauma from the terrible experience, hence bullying victims often suffer in silent. Additionally, some people may not speak up because they are worried about the retaliation such as losing their job, no one believing their story, or no actions is made to resolve the problem. Q2.   It is possible for people who file complaints to be victimised beyond the original incident because of working under a bad and unsupportive management. As a result, the employer may target the person who filed the complaint with allegations of misconduct or poor performance rather than solving the complaint. Organisations and individual managers can help people feel more comfortable in making a claim by emphasising to all employees that workplace bullying will not be tolerated, and early reporting of these behaviours is encouraged.